It's a dog eat dog world.....
as long as it stays that way and doesn't turn into a dog eat us world were alright...... we recieved some questions as to the validity of our claims of the amounts and size of dogs here so heres your proof and theres plenty more if u want it..... this dog kinda reminded me of the dog from sandlot, drool and all so we were wondering why all the barking, are they relying messages, heckling the foriengers, telling us how tasty we would be, or just in need of some love. Sometimes you just walk by as quickly as you can cause looking at the size of the dog and the age of the fence is a little bit concerning...... man am i glad the ground is frozen otherwise you'd wonder how long the tunnel to freedom and dinner would take them..... guess we gotta bring some sausage with us in the summer to leave as bait... or maybe thats why lynnette always takes me!?