#3 in the nation....... not bad for a team made up of 75% first year players.
although we had a disappointing day yesterday (with a loss of the first game) ,the boys were able to get things together and pull off a huge win today. after going down 8-1 in the third inning they were able to manage the improbable comeback in the last inning to tie the game. and then in the first extra inning were able to open things up to score 12 runs. we've decided they just enjoy watching us coaches go crazy while they cooly wait until just the opportune time to win the game. we had a great time with the boys spending the night bunking in little wood cabins, and enjoying a good swim together..... odd note i quit competitive swimming at 13 due to the fact that i refused to wear a speedo..... the team of boys on the other hand had no problem what so ever swimming and running through the campsite in their ginches, and no one in the campsite had a second thought about it.... cultural lesson number one.
this shot above is of the boys proudly chowing down on their hand picked watermelon. while us coaches ate Chinese food the boys disappeared and came back 10 minutes later displaying their find. with huge smiles on their faces, we on the other hand thought "great, watermelon, one problem we're staying at a campsite, no knife." where upon one of the boys pulled out a knife big enough to gut a moose with that was newly bought at tesco also. nothing would phase these boys on their endeavour.... cultural lesson number two, when i was 13 and given money to buy stuff for a weekend my bag would be filled with chocolate, chips and root beer and not a water melon ...let alone any fruit or vegetable. and if it did i would never have thought to get the knife also!
look what i won mom! for most of these kids it was the first championship of any kind and with a national anthem, announcer and posters all over the city nerves played a big part in our first loss. but in the end the boys were able to pull throw and end the season with a win for 3rd place .
on another note....we leave tomorrow afternoon for our outreach in Boly. please pray with us that it will go well and that our energy will be restored after spending the weekend with 12 boys! we will be leading some english conversation groups, baseball camp, selling some books, and hanging out with the local teens and kids there. we dont have too many details for this next week but we pray that we will be prepared for whatever comes our way!