
It's a dog eat dog world.....

as long as it stays that way and doesn't turn into a dog eat us world were alright...... we recieved some questions as to the validity of our claims of the amounts and size of dogs here so heres your proof and theres plenty more if u want it..... this dog kinda reminded me of the dog from sandlot, drool and all so we were wondering why all the barking, are they relying messages, heckling the foriengers, telling us how tasty we would be, or just in need of some love. Sometimes you just walk by as quickly as you can cause looking at the size of the dog and the age of the fence is a little bit concerning...... man am i glad the ground is frozen otherwise you'd wonder how long the tunnel to freedom and dinner would take them..... guess we gotta bring some sausage with us in the summer to leave as bait... or maybe thats why lynnette always takes me!?


Beautiful Budapest:

Took the train into Budapest today and toured around, it was kinda cold so we had to visit the local malls in between sites to warm up..... We even as you see found a outdoor skating rink.... It's surrounded by a castle on one side and hero's square on the other.... Couldn't think of a better place of starting a hockey game.... We could put up a grektzy monument up in hero's square to make it complete. As you can see below the Danube river was even frozen along the edges and the middle was filled with these ice flows, pretty neat site to see...... We were invited over to the team leaders place for dinner, did you know that Hungarian doctors do house calls? They had a doc come to check on their kids while we were there, anyways that was just a little side note. It was exciting to finally hear a bit more of what we will be doing and meet more of the team, everyone seems awesome. Now for some Canadians to come in and mix the pot, hopefully they'll be able to see past our oddness! After our training we are in now, we will have 2 weeks to familiarize ourselves with the area and learn some Hungarian culture. Then we will start an intensive 3 week language training in Budapest. We will probably be staying in the team house for the first while. We also found out that we might be moving next fall with another couple to Lake Balaton, so that would be really cool! We would be in a small town there and work with a church that really has a vision to evangalise to all the villages around. That part of Hungary has few church's so it would be a great to be able to work alongside a church to spread the gospel in those regions...... Anyways hope all is well back home, until next time

the klassens


OM Hungary:

This is a pic of the base here....... it looks alot smaller than it, it's actually a three level building..... it has now got even colder here, during the night if you sleep right against the wall you can feel the cold sweeping right through it..... anyways were still enjoying the time and getting alot out of the sessions, yesterday they had us all write out our mission statement, something I had thought about but never actually wrote it out and it was extremely helpfull, I would suggest it to everyone, and we thought we would share them with you all, heres lynnette:
I want to always be growing in the knowledge of who God is and how I can grow closer in my relationship with him, so he can mold me into the person he wants me to be. Obey Gods calling in my life by sharing the salvation gift to those who have not heard it yet. I want to learn to love others with Gods sacrificial love (1 John 4:7-12). My aim is to be a Godly wife who loves, respects and honors my husband always. ....
Here is Kyle's: My mission statement in life is to worship and glorify my Lord, to love without fear and serve without ceasing. To daily walk in the radiant light of salvation and to share that light with all. To be a faithful husband, friend and servant.
Our mission statement is that our marriage would be a testimony to the love of God. That we would be a couple of grace, integrity and committed to grow in each other and God, with him as the center. That through our relationship others would be pointed to the cross.
anyways just wanted to share those with you, we go tomorrow to tour around Budapest and I'm sure we will have many pictures to share with you.
till next time


Chilly in Erd

Hello all, well the cold has hit it was -10 C this morning and you can feel the difference in the house, a little snow overnight and more expected in the coming days. Enjoying our first days in hungary, we are currently staying in the OM headquaters here in Erd, we are here with a bunch of others during our training. Apparently everyone and their dog has a dog in this town. We went for a walk yesterday and every single house has a dog, and they are all guard dogs, but lucky for Lynnette they all are fenced in but at some houses you kinda question how long the fence will hold them back. The base is at the top of a hill, and if any of you remember 101 dalmations theres a scene where all the dogs are relying a message from one to the next well lets just say that hungaryin dogs have a lot of messages to send day and night. Its kinda like a giant choir of dogs well thats if you enjoy barking. One of the americans is currently trying to find some sleeping pills so he can drug the neighbours dog and get some peace and quiet. Luckly our room is on the opposite side of the building. We attended a hungarian baptist church yesterday for their service which was neat to be at. Next week we are supposed to lead some singing and stuff so that should be interesting. We are currently going through the biblical basis for missions. During the weeks we will go through effective evangalism techniques, leading effective meetings and even vechicle maintaince, apparently this is really valuable because of the older vans being used and being stuck in a remote area and not even knowing how to ask for help is very much fun. We also found out that Lynnette and I will be mainly working with the OVM team where we will be cruising the country with a converted circus trailer bring literature, a movie screen and working with local churchs to reach their villages. Please pray that God would use this time to mold us into servants of him and that we would be able to digest as much of the material here as possible. till next time
kyle and lynnette


Home in Hungary.....

well it's offical we have arrived in hungary, it's a balmy -2 C and a little snow on the ground but the skies are clear and beauiful, exciting to finally be here. We've met parts of the team and should be meeting more tonight, sorry no pics of hungary yet. We woke up at 5:oo in the morning in germany and then travelled over here so a nap was due after lunch, and now here i sit. The base here is quite nice. We are here with 12 others for the month of training, some are off to moldova, some romania, one to the czech and some koreans are going to kosovo, the others are americans, including a bunch from georgia. Lots of good laughs. We had a commisioning service last night in germany and out of the 250 people heading off we are going to over 40 countries, and both the ships. So neat to see the great commision being fullfilled in the this group. Tomorrow we head off to a local baptist church to enjoy our first hungarian church service. We have already learned the first hungarian lesson, when driving either be aggresive or stay off the roads, the drivers here are noticably more aggresive than germany, we had cars passing on two lane roads where we had to pull on the shoulder and the on coming cars had to go on the shoulder and our driver just kept on driving as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Lesson one learned more lessons to go. Till we hit lesson two.

kyle and lynnette


Lost in Heidelberg

hey everyone..... snowy and cold here in Germany, we got to travel to the scenic town of heidelberg this past sunday where we got to see their famous castle that was ruined in two seperate wars. The remaning tower walls show the destruction that must have happened, they were 20 feet thick and yet destroyed before dynamite was invented..... louis the 3rd or something like that stuffed it with gun powder and i'm guessing ran for his life..... pretty awesome...... Yesterday we spent the day trying to get into the country of "Epohon". It was a simulation that we did, we spent 5 hrs trying to get visas, plane ticket and through immigration. The staff here played the roles of the citizens and i think had a bit too much fun, we had to bribe the ticket officer, go on a bus ride blindfolded and then wait for an hour in the snow while they went through or bags and interagated us. Lynnette got singled our after dropping her bag and was put through extra questioning. We were then lead into border patrol and questioned about the bibles in our bags and accused of being everything from prostitutes to missionaries, some cracked and even claimed to be atheist while the rest of us tried not to be too intimidated. Overall it was quite the learning experience and made both of us realize how relieved we are not to be going to a closed country, I think many here are now more prepared for whats ahead as they travel to closed countries. Sorry we have no pictures of that adventure our cameras were confiscated along with lynnettes name tag aparently there illegal in ephnon. We then meet a local ephnon family where we learnt a little arabic and upset the locals by eating with our left hand, too many things to think about, anyways so long untill our next adventure.
Happy to be back in Germany
kyle and lynnette


Thought we left him behind?

Look who we tracked down in a small town in germany,!!! For those of u who don't know Werner is Lynnettes dad, we thought he went to mexico, little did we know he beat us to germany...... anyways were still at the confrence meeting people from places like korea, barbados, moldova and even the faroe islands, didn't even know there was a place like that, apparently it's near iceland but i think they just made that up to sound cool, there probably from the praries or something!!! Were still absorbing as much as we can Lynnettes still fighting the jet lag, waking up at 3 in the morning and falling asleep at 7 at night, that will be battled tonight with heavy dose of chocolate and some gravel..... that sounds like a dangerous mix, well while writing this i have once again put my foot in my mouth, i just instructed a lady were the married couples meeting was and she informed me later that she was single.... ouch... too many people and not enough memory......
until next time


Welcome to the wonderful world of Germany

Well we have offically arrived, well are bodies are here but we left all our energy on the plane, who knew flying could be so exhausting. 20 hours after laving home we arrived in this little town way up in the mountains of Germany, snow and all. Were staying a little away from the base here at a nice youth hostel, the base is this neat old flour mill or something really cool. Met up with a friend from bible school in spain which is pretty neat and there about 250 other people, i know i exaggerated again, thought somebody originally told me 500, anyways we'll be here 10 days for intensive training and preperation and then off to the country of goulash and baths. Can't believe were in Europe so weird, did you know druken means push i see all these signs on the door and think 'what you need to be drunk to be able to open' good thing i have my little german wifey, anyways should get going almost dinner, till next time
signing off
the two mousekeeters (lynnette loves the mice)


well hello again, or for the first time, just getting all this blogging stuff figured out, it's kinda addicting actually well anyways, i put a couple links on the site for those of u interested,
there over there ->
the operation mobilisation website, the hungarian tourism website with up to date weather info so you can all see us freeze our little hienes off, actually it's not so cold, and a really cool photo tour, no were not on there but i promise to make it in the next year, and for those of you who are bored and cheaply entertained, a little free games site that i have wasted many of hours on.....
bloogers addicts anonymous


well less than a week till we leave and how ready are we you ask, well I ask how do you prepare. All that we can do at this point is be open for anything. Aparently the national christmas dish is carp and for those of you who know what a carp is they know that they stink are boney and aren't exactly a delicancy, so I guess we should be open to eat just about whatever they put infront of us. We leave on monday the 9 and arrive in germany where we will stay for 10 days and then off to hungary to begin our 1 month training. It should be interesting because everyone that will begin serving with OM around the world this year will attend the germany conference so it should be around 500 people. Pretty amazing to see all these people ready for whatever lies ahead and to see God move in each of those countries. Then the hungarian training is for all the people that will be working in eastern europe so people will be there and then leave for moldova, romania, czech and so on. We will also begin our languague training, that should be kinda challenging cause i think the average hungarian word is about as long as the longest english word...... ahhhhhhh and all the silent letters, but by the time we come back Lynnette and I will be able to speak infront of u all and no one will know a single word...... no more need for whispering....... anyways hope to hear from you all and we will keep in touch