
Presentation on Canada, horses in the street, and some yummy granola....

ok, so this post is a little bit of everything! first our presentation on canada went really well. we did it twice, once to a grade 7 and once to a grade 11 class, it was in a hungarian school but the student take half of thier classes in english, so their english is pretty good. we had fun talking about our country...and even had a little taste test of maple syrup at the end of class (which they thought was really good!) we think they enjoyed it....maybe we will do it again in another hungarian school if we get the chance!

today we went for a nice saturday walk because the weather was pretty nice. and on the way back home we came across this horse and carriage. it passed us with two people in it at first, then we found it at the light with two more...i guess they were pickin up their friends for a party! pretty funny, sometimes you see these driving/riding along on the road. and it cracks us up everytime we see them, especially stopped at the red light alongside another car. you can see in the picture the man in the car is even laughing!

and the last random thing for the day...for those cooks/bakers out there...i just thought i would share a great recipe i tried for granola the other day. it is fantastic, so yummy with dried cranberries, almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins, sunflower seeds....anyways its great, we eat it alot of it so i thought i would make my own. we love it over yogurt, if you want the recipe to try, it is here ...i adjusted it a little and halfed the recipe and it made lots still, and next time i think i will add coconut..enjoy!


English Club update:

this week we had our first english club, we wrote earlier about how we wanted to start one up and there was interest but we hadn't had anyone yet, but this last week on lady came out, 70 years old and very keen to learn. by the end of the class she was kissing lynnette in excitment of it all. i never knew teaching some one the alphabet could have results like that! she is a lady we have met at the clothing sale we help with every week and she comes week in and week out for shoes, and every week she leaves with a couple pairs. who knows what a old lady like her needs so many shoes for?! one week she saw a pair she liked but they were a bit small, she was very driven and after 20 minutes of pulling, squeezing and sweating they finally slipped on, literaly! ok forced on. this past week she even brought a friend and both of them sat there forcing a whole array of shoes on. she is a very sweet old lady! next week we will also have one more lady and 2 teenagers at english club so it is beginning to grow! we pray that the club would provide for many oppurtunites to share about christ, the old lady is a jehovah witness and this past week we talked a little about christmas and the meaning. this coming week we also will begin our intense language studies, so we will be quite busy! and tomorrow we will be doing a presentation on canada in a elementary school complete with maple syurp and some canada pins (thanks chris and cheryl for those)
p.s. happy thanksgiving jonny (and any of u other americans out there), we will eat a little extra turkey for u at our team dinner tonight!


As promised....here are the newest pictures of baby Lila. what a sweet littl niece we have! congrats again jonathan and vicky....we love you guys!



we are so excited....my sister vicky and her husband jonathan just had their precious little baby girl early this morning. she weighed 8lbs 6ozs! we are so happy for you guys and cant wait to see pictures of her...we will post one as soon as we get one! miss you guys lots and wish we could be there to celebrate with you and hug and kiss our new little niece!


for our first instalment of "translate this sign for us" section of our blog we present this to you..... to the most comedic translation we will personally mail you a bar of hungarian chocolate.... this sign we found at lake balaton and just had to laugh at so post and enjoy!

on another note this past sunday we along with close to 200 hungarians headed to vienna by bus to enjoy a delerious concert! very cool to say the least to join along with many others from all over eastern europe and worship and jam with delerious and many other bands, lynnette elbowed me halfway through and said look behind us, and there clapping and cheering stood a monk all decked out! the concert was put on by the catholic diocese of austria but there were people from all backgrounds worshipping the same God. the concert was held in a giant old gas can, which also added to the ora of the evening, although we didn't get home till almost 4 am monday we had a really good time. The last two weeks have been a very refreshing time of fellowship, learning and worshipping our creator. The blog session I put on also went really good, I thought of calling it the biblical basis for blogging, but then after looking through my concordance for the word blog being mentioned in the bible I came up empty handed, who would have thought. Ya but we are so thankful for this two weeks and feel very recharged and ready for another year of ministry and live in Hungary!


path of light

Here is a shot from our group here in Balatonszemes, as you can probably tell its a whole lotta people represtenting a wide range of country working all over eastern europe. We've had a good time sharing all our interesting stories of language, culture mistakes. Good things from the past year and also our struggles which has been good as we have seen we are not alone in all these things. On saturday a group of us went to the local town of Keszthely to enjoy a day of just strolling and seeing some sights. As you can see we also enjoyed the first snowfall of the year, yeah can you just hear the excitment! Actually it has now warmed up again and we are enjoying the sun! In Keszthely there is a large palace/castle that is still kept to its orginal decor and look, rare in Hungary as most of the palaces where destroyed in war. This palace is famous for it huge library which was really cool, like being in a movie set or something, I had a good laugh looking at there very small english section as one of the books was entitled, "Men and horses I have known."
During the weeks we have had teaching on Exodus, Acts, leading Bible Studies and Discipleship, everyone also has made a presentation on their work from the last year and we have had prayer evenings for each country. I will also be giving a info session on bloggin on Friday, so that should be interesting. Many of us here have blogs but there are others who are interested so we will kinda have a open session on them, how they work and the sort. Don't ask how I am in charge of this but it should be interesting to say the least.


Fall in Hungary,....

well the seasons have definatly changed and now we find ourselves in the midst of our first hungarian fall. the tree colours have changed and are so nice, bright reds and yellows. We are currently at a 2 week confrence near lake balaton and the area is so beautiful. this is the follow up of what we did when we first arrived in hungary so everyone from eastern europe has come back for the 2 weeks, alot of fun being together and hearing all the funny stories and realizing we aren't alone in our struggles! We also have daily teachings and pastoral care meetings which have been really good, refreshing and informative. Anyways ya thats what we are up to right now, hope you all are enjoying the change of seasons as well!