
Well another week goes so quickly by, we can't believe it already almost april, so weird its now been almost 3 months since we left everything familiar. We are finished our intensive language study and are now meeting with a tutor twice a week for more study. although we are focused mainly on language study we now have more time so that we can get involved in some of the ministry. Which is really nice and exciting as we feel like we are now more involved with the team and can get some experince working with the people and practicing the little language we have. Yesterday was our first day helping with the baseball outreach. Terry has been doing this ministry for years now and its a great oppurtunity to create relationships with the community and show Gods love through something as simple as baseball. We are helping with the younger kids 8-10 which is nice because as you probably know both of our baseball knowledge and skill is well lets just say limited! but to kids who have never seen the game before we dont look so bad. I guess we will be learning along with them. Lynnette had a good time chasing around all the missed throws to her and after suggesting to one kid to aim his throws at her and not way above her reach, he told her quite simply "well you just have to jump higher!" We are trying to get the kids to help us with our hungarian but the trick we are trying to learn how to read the kids faces and see if the are teaching us actual words or ones that well won't help us very much in ministry! You know if the are giggling after telling you the word then its probably best not to repeat it.
Some team members very graciously donated their bikes to us and with that being our main means of transportation we are getting into shape. The main thing is getting used to sitting on a bike seat everyday, but its nice to have another option to riding the bus. Erd is spread out but small enough that everything is basically within a 15 minute bike ride. Although there are alot of hills and the brakes need some work done on them, which reminds me I should probably fix that "small" problem.
Hungary is part of the EU but as you can see they havent switched to the euro yet, apparently it will still be a couple more years. We actually didnt know this until we got here. a friend before we left gave us some money and said " I looked everywhere for the hungarian money but I couldnt find it" and we laughed and said thats becuase there is none! there on the euro but we were wrong . 1000 hungarian forints is equal to about 5 canadian dollars. With such big numbers it often is quite confusing so we figured out that if you take 2 zeros off the number
and then divide by two it gets you close to the canadian dollar. But thankfully its nice and colourful, just a little taste of home.
The weather here is defiantly feeling like spring, I was even able to wear shorts yesterday! so nice to be done with all that snow, although aparently the weather can still change and its been known to snow even in april, but for now we are enjoying it. The birds are out in full force and trees and flowers are beginning to bud, oh how we love spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear how the segment on sliding goes. That's why rainy day games are so much fun. It's nice to hear that your time in Hungary is turning more towards the people now that your studies are mostly finished up!

Here's the pitch. Its a HIT! The ball sailing deep to right field! It's going, GOING ...