
time with friends!........

happy canada day weekend! to all you back home, this last week for us was spent relaxing and enjoying time with jon, he is currently on a work co-op in germany and came to spend the week with us it was great catching up and just enjoying company, we had the week off after our outreach so it was perfect as we could head out to the bathhouses, local towns and many hours in the coffee houses for much needed rest and recovery! We also took jon to what is called statue park, in this park is all the salvaged communist era statues that weren't destroyed after the fall, as you can see we all had the urge to become one with the statues! We also took jon out to a local lake for a swim as the week was super hot but not long into our swim a storm came rolling in and chased us out, this time of year it is quite common for freak storms to whip up and sometimes all you can do is sit back and watch, we even were treated to a lightning strike right across the road from the gas station from us, which caused the gas station worker to go scurrying back for cover as he was pulling down the flag at the time, quite a sight. The larger pic below is of hungarian paprika, a common sight and even more common spice here. So just another open invitation for all to come and stop in here in budapest it's not every day you can get free accommodation in these parts, plus i know u want to see us! Well anyways whats up for us now, we are home for two weeks now preparing for the next outreach doing language study and such then we head out for another outreach. I can't believe thats its already july, crazyness, this begins our seventh month here, time sure flies!


Anonymous said...

great photos! esp. the one of the paprika. glad to hear the outreach went well and hope your planning for the next one goes smoothly... are you going to do baseball and waterballoon fights again? sounds like fun!

James Voth said...

Very cool pictures, guys. Vanessa and I have really enjoyed reading your blog and sort of catching up with you guys, in a remote way I guess. Bless you as you continue to do God's work out there.