watch out ladies it's easter time in hungary,
and with easter monday approching the hungarian tradition of boys spraying perfume on women will happen once again throughout hungary, i was actually just reading a article on this hungarian tradition and about how it is slowly fading away, especially here in the city. the tradition goes..... that as the boys spray women with perfume they recite a poem that basically says "as one sprays water on a flower so it doesn't wilt.... i spray perfume on you so your beautywon't wilt", what does this have to do with Easter, honestly i really don't know. but it did get me thinking, what has faded/wilted in my relationship with God. in what ways has the power of Christs Resurrection faded in my life,in what areas of my life do i need to be washed anew to prevent my wilting. i'm pretty sure a spray of perfume won't keep anyone from the inevitable wilt, albeit disguise it for a while but i am completely assured that Christ alone can save me eternally.
many people have been asking about how miklos and eva have been doing, sorry to not have kept you updated lately on them, carlos and i went out to erchi last thurs to visit and bring out some new clothes for the family and he is doing much, much better. for
those who don't know just after christmas he had kidney failure and was admitted to hospital, after being there for a couple weeks he decided to leave and go home, because in his mind nothing was wrong with him. after 2 weeks of ignoring ours and his families requests to go back he fell really ill and was given days to live, the Lord worked a miracle and he survived those very dark days and now is doing so much better, the doctors even going so far to say nothing is wrong with him. Praise the Lord. Miklos and Eva both received the Lord during this past christmas season and our teams is now having weekly prayer meeting in their house. During May a group is coming from Sweden to work in Erchi and other places and it's our hope that both miklos and eva and maybe more would be baptised during this time. we continue to be amazed at how the Lord is working in their lives. yesterday we also had a special kids club in ofalu, carlos and rita had a easter presentation for the kids, opening 12 eggs and each on containing a item that helped to tell the
story of christs death, ressurection and why it is so important in our lives, it was really well done and the kids really got into it. it was so great to see the kids so captivated by what the next item would be, sometimes it can be really crazy specailly if there is a larger group which there was. we left really encouraged at the response of the kids. continue to pray for them. they have a really understanding of the gospel, but pray it wouldn't just be knowledge but that they would seek a relationship with the one true saviour. sorry no recent pictures both these ones where taken this last fall, but if you have a craving for something new here is our latest prayer/ministry letter