
a little taste of home....sometimes we do get a little homesick, and after talking to my mom and sister yesterday i felt it again! they were telling me all about their fun "girls weekend" in seattle, and yes, i did get a little jealous. so i thought i would make some good 'ol chocolate chip cookies to make me feel better. i used your recipe mom, but they just dont turn out the same with the hungarian ingredients....but good enough! and thanks for the chocolate chips too mom!
but the cookies werent the only thing that made me feel better....it really was my amazing husband and his encouraging words. we talked a while last night and he reminded me that sometimes God asks us to sacrifice things in our lives...and at this time it means being away from family, friends, and the comforts of home. and at first didnt like that answer...but i thought about it and i know that God is teaching me total trust in him and just to rely on him for all my joy and strength! then kyle proceded to tell me (this was probably around 11:30pm) that if i wanted to talk more i could just wake him up at night...."because thats what friends are for lynnette" What a great husband i have..couldnt survive without him! just thought i would share my thoughts - lynnette


Kyle and Lynnette said...

i think i must of had a mickeal w. smith song in my head at the time..."thats what friends are for" and now you haveit too! hehe, but seriously dont think it is a one way street there are many times lynnette has brought back from total frustration, especially with the language, i only wish i could pick it up half as fast as she can, but i guess thats why God blesses us with each other, so that we can survive!

Rachel said...

Wow...you two...I'm so impressed! You guys are a great example of how supportive husbands and wives need to be. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynnette, if it makes you feel any better, we really missed you on the girls weekend. How awesome is it that God has given you each other to encourage and support one another. Thanks for your thoughts. You are always in our prayers. Blessings to you in your ministry. Love Bonnie