
marcius 15. day!

today was a national holiday, and well when theres a holiday here everything shuts down, all stores are closed, just some resturants and choice coffee shops are open. they even closed the main bridge into town and had a street fair. the day is in honour of the rebellion in the 1800s against the hadsburgs, they ended up losing it but celebrate it anyway. In many parts of the city there were live bands, horses marching, and people reading poetry from the time. We had the day off from school so we walked the city and enjoyed all the activites. Even picking up a free flag along the way to blend into the crowds. Alot of walking but it was a nice break from school. You can only absorb so much before feeling overwelmed. We've had a good time learning the languaging and laughing at all our mistakes. Some words make so much sense, like sandwich for example. Its spelt szendvics, simple just say what you see. nice and straight forward, now why cant the whole language be like that? instead it has things like the word for train station: "palyaudvar" or pharmacy: "gyorgyszerter". think those are not too bad well try fruit: "gyumolcs" and the word for good bye, short simple word... no, not quite... its, get ready, hopefully your mouth isnt full...... "viszontlatrsra", ya short and simple is the theory to the language here i think! and dont forget...all the letters in the words are pronounced, no silent letters here! well anyways as you can see we are in need of much prayer and the ability to pronounce these marathon length words!


Anonymous said...

Lorna said... Hi Guys, glad you are enjoying a day off from your studies. I'm praying for you and admire you soooo much for tackling this difficult language so enthusiastically! Have you heard that after this hockey season the Canucks games will no longer be broadcast on NW but are moving to 1040 sports. That's sad... the end of an era! Apparently Tom & Shortie will still be doing the gig so at least that will be familiar. Take care. Love, Lorna

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's you and not me learning the language!! Praying for you and knowing that you'll get through this.

Rachel said...

Don't words like paprika and goulash get you very far?!?!
Looks like you enjoyed your day off and got to soak up some Hungarian culture too. Glad everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

... that it's good to hear you can spend some down time together and enjoy the country's holiday and be part of it.
*But I can't because I don't speak Hungarian!

~ Sorry! ;)

Anonymous said...

...sounds like you had a good day off, taking a break from your studies!

Anonymous said...

I love reading this, and knowing others going through language learning. Really expands your horizons and it sounds like you are doing great! But I think German has some of your words beat for length, i.e. Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz which means "state student loan", although perhaps not pronunciation complexity.

Life of the Camerons said...

WOW, AMAZING! Great to stop by and see whats going on!